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The GAC COMSOC is a confluence to jointly develop educomunication projects between COMSOC Association and femProcomuns Cooperative.

COMSOC – Social Communication is a team that, since 2008, through radio and podcasts, has stimulated educommunication, education for global justice, and community thriving. We understand communication as the opportunity to share, to teach and learn from others, co-creating collective and emancipatory knowledge, defending free information and culture through open licences.
Since February 2022 we are intercooperating with femProcomuns, developing projects and weaving networks.
What do we offer?
Support, guidance, creation, and facilitation of emancipatory educational experiences, both to schools, the cooperative world and administrations.
We promote podcast courses, radio trainings and also organise and facilitate educommunication seminars or encounters. We create pedagogical materials, promote podcast contests, radio programmes, and are also working towards the articulation of a school radio stations network in Catalonia, among others. 
What motivates us?
Utopian dreams we share, ways of caring about life around us. We are together with the vision of doing things differently, which aims to be coherent towards the needs of these times and respectful with the younger generations. Because the latter are the ones we want to listen to, the ones who will face a more uncertain scenario, and the most revolutionary way to accompany them is respecting their right to speak. We refuse adultcentrism, anthropocentrism, (…) to put life at the centre and collectively nourish hope. You will find us on the radio, in the classrooms and the streets talking about ecofeminism, degrowth, communities, care work or global justice, among many other topics.