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Transitioning Cooperativized Activity Group (GAC Transitant, in Catalan) aims to contribute to the communification of the economy, culture and society by supporting projects that explore their viability and consolidation, while bringing out and inviting to reflect on this economic model differentiated from the market model and the possibilities of transiting from one to the other. The group carries out tasks of facilitation, training, capacity building, support, advice, consultancy, dynamization, reflection, research, communication, sensitisation, dissemination and awareness raising around the commons economy and its hybridisation with cooperativism, the social market and transformative economies.


The creation of the group gave continuity to the work initiated at Freeknowledge Catalunya Association before the constitution of the cooperative femProcomuns. The members of the group have been part of the technical team of the programme La Comunificadora of Barcelona Activa (first jointly with Platoniq and then with LabCoop) since its first edition (2016) and of the Incubation Circle at the cooperative athenaeum Coópolis (2019). The group has collaborated in the organisation of events such as SomHackathon of TecnoCampus (2021) and various informative and networking sessions with Barcelona Activa, WSFTE (World Social Forum of Transformative Economies) or the Commons Horizons process, among others. It also conducts workshops on open cooperativism, platform cooperativism, free licenses, free technologies, organic communication, tools and methodologies of participation, among others. The group participates in the postgraduate course of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the UAB and other university studies. It has produced reports and didactic and informative materials on the economy of the commons, the care economy, platform cooperativism, internet as a fundamental right and administrative procedures with free software. It has also devised and produced the card game on the commons economy. The group has been developing and testing the  commons sustainability model as a model for analysing existing projects, prototyping new projects, exploring the communification of projects or improving their sustainability. The model places the community and the shared resource at the centre and has two intersecting axes: resource mobilization and production on the one hand; shared knowledge and governance on the other.

Working members: Mònica Garriga, David Gómez, David Jacovkis
Collaborating members involved: Wouter Tebbens
Intercooperation with LabCoop

GAC projects (completed)
Participatory Incubation process in Coòpolis (2019)
SomHackathon TecnoCampus (2021)
La Communicadora (5 editions 2016-2021)
Agrohackató d’Agròpolis (2023)

Transition programs
Technical, technological and event facilitation support.
Training and workshops
Diagnostics and mapping
Studies, reports and research

Transition to the commons canvases
Economy of the commons game
Didactic materials on commons sustainability
Incubation spaces study
Report care and commons
Report internet as a right
Report on procedures with free software

Transitant cap al procomú. La Comunificadora. (in Catalan). Foreword: Álvaro Porro. Author: David Gómez Fontanills
