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The CommonsCloud Cooperativized Activity Group has the purpose of pooling digital cloud tools between user members of femProcomuns (individuals and organisations) from a technoethical and cooperative perspective using free software, providing an alternative to the extractivist tools of platform capitalism. It offers several tools: Office (NextCloud), Mail (Zimbra), ERP/CRM (Dolibarr), Web (WordPress), Videoconference Meet (BBB), Agora (Discourse), Formularies (Limesurvey) with unified user accounts. It produces the service, carries out its maintenance and provides support to individuals and organisations who use it, together with the organisations with which femProcomuns has signed inter-cooperation agreements.

Furthermore, it offers support and implementation services in the transition to free and technoetic technologies for organisations and institutions. The group coordinates the CommonsCloud project and is part of its governance and participation spaces: the Commons Cloud Strategic Council (CESC) and the CommonsCloud Advisory Council (COCC). People and organisations who use CommonsCloud are members of femProcomuns and can participate in its assembly.

Brief history
The group was created in 2018 and started the project with funding obtained in a crowdfunding campaign (Conjuntament 2018). The same year it already launched its first services: Office, Agora and project management with unified accounts using LDAP. It has received support from the Barcelona City Council (Impulsem el que fas 2019) and the Generalitat de Catalunya (Singulars 2020 and 2021). In 2020, it incorporated the forms and videoconferencing services and in 2021 the ERP manager and email. In 2021, it started to provide the “takeTheLeap” migration diagnosis and support service.

Working members: Mònica Garriga, David Gómez, David Jacovkis.
Collaborating members involved: Josep Lluís Amador, Wouter Tebbens.
Intercooperation with bTactic, Colectic, LliureTIC

GAC projects (in progress)

Pooled cloud tools
takeTheLeap service
Tailor-made implementations.

Agora – access the Agora to meet with other members.
