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The GAC Open and Community Internet of Things Network (XOIC) aims to contribute to deploy and make sustainable an open, free, neutral, community and technologically agnostic Internet of Things network to promote technological sovereignty, social autonomy and technoethics. The group participates and supports the local communities of The Things Network (TTN) and other communities of free network technologies in the Catalan territory while collaborating in the creation of international networks with similar initiatives. It also provides services, training and accompaniment to institutions and organizations that want to collaborate in the deployment of the open network and promote its use.
The group gives continuity to the activity earlier carried out from Free Knowledge Catalunya Association in the articulation of the community The Things Network in Catalonia, in the deployment of the network and in the coordination of godmother-organisations. It received the support from the Barcelona City Council (Impulsem el que fas 2017) that allowed to carry out 40 workshops and 2 hackathons in the city and later the collaboration of other Catalan municipalities such as Rubí, Viladecans and Arenys de Munt making possible the deployment, training of citizens and use cases.
Organising hackathons
Supporting use cases
Collaborating Members involved: Wouter Tebbens, Xosé Pérez
Collaboration with: TTNcat community, Fundació Guifinet, Association eXO