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Energy, health, transport, public space, culture, education … and so many other basic elements that structure our lives and that, however, are increasingly subject to market rules. How can citizens preserve the use of the resources they consider fundamental? How to identify these resources? How to promote the greatest possible access to these resources? How to establish a right of control by the citizens over its operation, management and preservation?

In short, how to favor the commons?

In Marseille, although these questions have existed for some time, they have been gaining intensity in recent times: the right to housing, access to education, access to culture, the right to the city, the right of citizens of controling or supervising urban development. … What are the open paths for common practices … in France? In Italy ? In Spain ? In Ireland? How to adapt them to other realities? What is “replicable”? What are the details, the stoppers, the levers?\ \ Three days to talk about it, share views (Marseille, Naples, Dublin, Barcelona, Grenoble, Lyon …) and to leave, we hope, with answers (clues).

At femProcomuns we are co-organising Commons Camp, a series of co-learning meetings and contributions to the commons, open to all.

Commons Camp is a meeting, an experience of exchange, common learning and mobilization, open to all.

  • To gradually enter into the commons: put words to practices and practice in common!
  • Commit as community members, implement the commons on a day-to-day basis and contribute to the commons wherever we are, this time in Marseille!
  • Participate in articulating (getting into practice) the movement of the commons.

There is only one condition to participate, to share common values, to defend solidarity, ecological, democratic, feminist, anti-racist and decolonial alternatives.

The next Commons Camp will be in Marseille January 17-19, 2020

    • Main venue: Maison arménienne de la jeunesse et de la culture (MAJC) 12-14, rue Saint-Bazile, 13001 Marseille
    • Each Commons Camp produces a trace (documentation) to feed practices and thoughts of activists and commoners.

How to become involved and participate:

There are many ways to get involved, depending on each person’s wishes and abilities!

    • Do you want to participate, explore the reality of the commons? Do you want to contribute to the commons in Marseille, in France, in Europe – sign up! →
    • Do you want to address a problem that worries you, start or continue a debate about the commons, share an experience, a project, help build the programme by writing your proposal in a pad!! →
    • Do you want to participate in the articulation of the commons movement, join the groups that already exist: Commons documentation laboratory, the Assembly of intermediate and independent places, Legal tools for the commons, or suggest what is missing! → → Riot :
    • Do you want to participate in the organisation of the meeting in Marseille and the following Commons Camp by joining the organizing group? Contact us: → → Riot :

Hosting and inclusive prices

The event costs money! Commons Camp has limited resources to fund, first of all, the journeys of participants coming from Europe (outside France) or who are contributing to its organisation, these resources must be strengthened with contributions from everyone, at an open price. Each organisation is expected to the extent of its possibilities.

Sharing, discussing, organising and celebrating the commons


The meeting will be mainly in French. Special attention is given to the first of the commons, our language. We will try to document and establish simultaneous translations in several languages ​​to facilitate and encourage exchanges in their diversity (French, Italian, Spanish, English, Arabic, Catalan …).

Who organises it:

Marseille militants:

      • Brouettes et Compagnies
      • Un Centre Ville Pour Tous
      • B.A.Balexadd content here
      • Etats Généraux de Marseille
      • Eau bien commun
      • La Déviation
      • Le Comptoir de la Victorine

and from other parts of France and Europe:

      • Remix the Commons
      • Artfactories/autresparts
      • Asilo Filangeri (Nàpols),
      • Assemblée des Communs de Grenoble
      • femProcomuns (Barcelona)
      • Association Planning
      • SYNAVI

Many other organizations also participate: Radio Grenouille, Collectif les Communs dans la Cité, Communa Bruxelles, Irish Commons Assembly, France Active – ESIA,…