SomHackathon for local and responsible consumption

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With the motto-question “Local and responsible consumption. Lets APPtivate consumption?”  SomHackathon 5th edition promoted by TecnoCampus, SomMobilitat and Mataró City Council will take place from 16 to 19 April 2021. femProcomuns is part of the organisation’s technical team. Fifty participating … Continued

Per la majoria, l’esperança no pot esperar

posted in: General | 0

“No podem perdre mai l’esperança” Arcadi Oliveres Mentre a principis de març una part de l’empresariat va fer el gest de “plantar-se” perquè l’estat de les coses no canvii, diverses cooperatives, entitats de l’economia solidària i activistes dels moviments socials … Continued