Transitioning Ecosystem

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Work sessions to think -from a commons perspective- about some of today’s challenges, looking at production, supply and environmental impacts.

Energy as a Commons
When: 15 march, from 11h to 14h
Where: Espai Tarragona Impulsa, Sala Green (Tarragona)
With: INSTA Jurídic
Transitioning session in Tarragona. La Energia: un procomún (in Spanish)

Report on Energy (in Catalán)

Methodologies for the Commons
When 12 may, from 15:30 to 18:30h
Where: Ateneu Coma Cros, Salt (Girona)
With: Càtedra Unesco de la Universitat de Girona
Transitioning Session in Salt. Metodologies del procomú (in Catalan)

Report on Methodologies (in Catalan)


Volunteering as a Commons
When: 19 may, from 17:00 a 20:00h
Where: Can Fugarolas, Mataró
With: : Som Mobilitat
Transitioning Session Mataró. El voluntariat: un procomú (in Catalan)

Land as a Commons
When: 23 de mayo, de 16:00 a 19:00h
Where: Casal La Llavor El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona
With: Fons de Defensa Ambiental i la Clínica Jurídica de Dret Ambiental de la UAB
Transitioning Session El Prat. La custòdia i la defensa del territori: un procomú

Report Land as a Commons(in Catalan)


Housing as a Commons
When: 10 de junio, de 16:00 a 19:00h
Where: Núria Social, Olot
With: Resilience Earth
Transitioning Session Olot. L’habitatge com a procomú

Report Housing as a Commons (in Catalan)

Care as a Commons
When: 30 de June  10:00 -13:00h
Where: Casa Flors Sirera, Manresa
With: L’Arada i Suderginza
Transitioning Session Manresa. Les cures, un procomú

Report Care as a Commons (in Catalan)


Food as a Commons
When: 13 September, 17:00 – 20:00
Where: Espai Pomezia in Hospitalet
With: La Fundició i La Florida S’Aveïna
Transitioning Session. L’alimentació un procomú

Report on Food as a Commons (in Catalan)

Water as a Commons
When: 17 de September, 09:30 – 12:30
Where: Olesa de Montserrat
With: Comunitat Minera Olesana i Enginyeria Sense Fronteres
Transitioning Session.L’aigua un procomú

Report on Water as a Commons (in Catalan)


Intercooperation for the Commons
When: 22 de September, 17:00 – 20:00
Where: Lleialtat Santsenca
With: organisations participating in Transitioning Ecosystem
Transitioning Session. Intercooperation for the Commons

International Meeting
When: 4 October, 15:00 – 17:00
Where: Online
With: Working Group for a Commons Ecosystem
Transitioning Session. International Meeting

For the emergence and articulation of the Transitioning Ecosystem in Catalonia

The ecological emergency and the delicate situations manifested in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic and other parallel crises, such as the supply crisis, call for a networked, international but re-localised response, with more social autonomy and more people’s participation in decisions about production, supply and environmental impacts.
To contribute to this response, we have conducted the project Transition Ecosystem, financed by the line L2 Singular projects for the promotion of social and solidarity economy, creation of cooperatives and intercooperation projects, by the Department of Business and Employment. General Direction on Social and Solidarity Economy, the Third Sector and Cooperatives at the Generalitat de Catalunya (the Catalan Government).

We have shown how, in the last few years, femProcomuns has been working, through the Transition Programmes, to support projects interested in the social and solidarity economy which wanted to make a transition towards more commons, sustainable models, with a strong relational dimension of the communities, forged on relations of equality, free technologies and open knowledge, that respond to the real needs of the economy. We have tested the Commons Sustainability Model, elaborated explanatory texts detailing the theoretical and conceptual framework and developed a kit with visual canvases and games to explore and work on the projects from a more commons, ecological and feminist point of view.

We’ve been sharing this accumulated experience with agents who have the same commons, ecological, democratic, feminist perspective and who are sensitive to the activation of local economies, community action and citizen innovation; actors (grass-roots initiatives, social enterprises, cooperatives, citizen laboratories,…) active in Catalonia, Europe and beyond, with whom we can share infrastructures, knowledge, methodologies and tools to make this Transitioning Ecosystem emerge and articulate.

We are working in two stages:

In the 1st phase, the first 12 months have been to (1) identify the actors of the ecosystem and inform them of the proposal through interviews and structured conversations and assess together how we can contribute to reinforce what is already being done,
(2) invite them to the 9 face-to-face and documented meetings for mapping and exchange methodologies and experiences, either as main actors or as participants,
(3) invite them to an international meeting online, with actors from other regions and municipalities.
They have also been offered (4) to carry out activities from the Transitioning Ecosystem catalogue (support, training, workshops, hackathons and reports) based on the methodology and tools from the Commons Sustainability Model.

The 2nd phase is being planned for the three-year period 2023-2025, in which the ecosystem will continue to be strengthened and Transition Programmes and Activities will be implemented in various municipalities or sectors.

Thus, little by little, we want to contribute to articulate and strengthen the ties of this ecosystem that already exists, a network of actors with a commons vision present in grass-roots initiatives, cooperatives, citizen laboratories,… active in Europe and beyond, with infrastructures, knowledge, methodologies and tools shared in solidarity, easily adaptable and executable by local organisations, in their cities and territories, which will slowly grow.

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