Internet of Things (IoT) meeting

posted in: Events, XOIC | 0

On December 14th we celebrated a new TTN face-to-face meeting in Barcelona, @ttncat, in which we participated from XOIC with the friends of IoT Barcelona, @iotbcn. The meeting took place in the Margarita Salas room of the Canòdrom – Ateneu … Continued

TecnoExpo Viladecans

posted in: Events, XOIC | 0

Aquest divendres 25 de Novembre, des de la XOIC participarem a la fira TecnoExpo a Viladecans. Exposarem als assistents en general i empreses en particular els usos i avantatges de les Xarxes Obertes, Lliures i Neutrals per a l’Internet de … Continued