Let’s play the Commons Game
On Tuesday 8 June from 16.00 to 18.30h we will play a game with the digitised version of the Game of the Commons. In a session organised by Barcelona Activa, and open to all, we will play with Katuma , … Continued
On Tuesday 8 June from 16.00 to 18.30h we will play a game with the digitised version of the Game of the Commons. In a session organised by Barcelona Activa, and open to all, we will play with Katuma , … Continued
On Wednesday 26 May the 5th edition of Barcelona Activa La Comunificadora programme is comming to an end. We will hold La Comunifcadora Punt i Seguit (“new paragraph”) an online event, open to everyone. Participating projects will give a presentation … Continued
Les inscripcions per participar a la 5a edició del programa de La Comunificadora per acompanyar projectes col·laboratius orientats a un model procomú, estan obertes fins al 16 de febrer! Per a crear o enfortir projectes: Col·lectius i col·laboratius viables, … Continued
To create or strengthen projects: Collective and collaborative that are viable, sustainable over time and respectful with the environment. Made open and Free knowledge, technologies and methodologies. Horizontal, participatory, democratic and community-based management and governance. Where production is organised through … Continued
In our monthly participation in the programme L’Altra Ràdio, to which we have been contributing since March 2017, we have spoken with Cinto Niqui about Platform Cooperativism. Here you can listen to our contribution (in Catalan), or listen to the … Continued