commons.hour session: Organising for sustainability in a digital commons

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This post is also available in: Català (Catalan) Español (Spanish)

Retrieve the conversation and the slides we shared on 24 January, by following this LINK (conversation in Spanish and English).


The worker-members of the cooperative,  participate in the online session Commons.hour, organised by Jacovkis Halperin, Mònica Garriga Miret, David Gómez Fontanills, Raquel Prado Pérez.

  • How to make a commons of digital infrastructure sustainable? Practical experience in Commonscloud
  • What does it mean in practice, that an infrastructure is a commons? Work by the Transitant GAC, on the sustainability of commons of various kinds; ‘five pillars’ framework for sustainability in open commons communities
  • Formal structure of a commons organisation: coop forms (femProcomuns adopts multistakeholder coop form); associations and other ‘non-coop’ forms

24 January 2022 (Fourth Monday). Gathering starts 18:00 UTC, closes at 19:00.
Extra time runs from 19:00 for half an hour, for offers & wants, informal check-in and organiser-chat.

This session will be dual-language: Spanish/English using closed captions in BigBlueButton. We can still use additional volunteer translator-interpreters for this session. Please post below if you would like to consider doing this. We’ll arrange a brief pre-meeting intro to closed captions, and the session protocol.

Please register for this event at the Agora – knowing how many people intend to participate helps us decide our facilitation approach.

The gathering is in the commons.hour room at meet. coop. For best performance, please use Firefox or Chrome browser, and a PC or laptop. The meeting will be recorded. If you wish to be anonymous, you should join with an altered name, and leave your camera off.